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Which Is The All-time For Honor Course?

For Laurels: Marching Burn has been out for close to two weeks at this signal, and the meta's finally beginning to stabilize every bit players adjust to the new characters.

As a outcome, we've decided to rank the For Honour classes as they stand up, and then that new and returning players might be able to have some sort of idea of where to start or what's good in the electric current patch. This list is as well applicative for players who're interested in upping their competitive game, and choosing new heroes to learn for that purpose. The data here is a combination of data and guides from Youtube, and Reddit, as well as the competitive Tier List. Disclaimer, as with all articles of this nature: I've done my best to rank them emprically according to my feel. Again:my experience. This guide is not meant to exist definitive in any way, nor objective; it is simply a subjective compilation of my experience and research, in the hopes that it will be helpful to players new, returning, and old.

Similarly, this guide is more than based upon higher level gameplay. I am painfully aware of how dangerous a Centurion or Shugoki can be to a role player that is inexperienced or unready, but I merely preferred to create a guide based upon higher level game play, rather than introductory combat.

I'thousand also going to exist adding in my speculative rankings for the new heroes of the Wulin faction, given my time spent playing them; there is little written on them and so far. Full disclosure: I may be a bit biased towards them because of how much I love their cultural references.

Let's swoop in!

22. Arumusha

The most anime of heroes.

You're the Aramusha, a deadly warrior wielding dual katanas, like the great warrior Miyamoto Musashi before you. Y'all're an elite enforcer for the noble houses of the samurai.

And… you kind of suck at your job. You lot might be able to get away with some stuff at lower levels, but as soon as you lot get anywhere about an experienced warrior, you lot're going to be taken apart similar the cleaved harbinger hat yous wear.

At least you'll exist able to die in manner — I'll be the first to admit that the dual katanas are pretty cool to look at. And, if you manage to pull of an execution, you can pull out the dragon fist execution, where you nail them with a glowing fist until they dice.

In more concrete terms, your offense requires far as well much effort for besides petty reward, and your defensive centerpiece, the full block, opens yous up entirely to a guardbreak. Your only really decent move is your opening assail, and that'south got at best, limited usage. The unblockable, while feintable, is easy enough to parry and predict, and in a team fight, almost all of your attacks can only be blocked if your opponent chooses to lock onto another foe. The final, and perhaps nearly damning point, is that your attacks take such a short range that a simple back dodge can negate your entire offense.

Ironically, the Aramusha level 3 bots that sometimes prove up can actually be dangerous from time to time, but that'due south considering the AI has an inhuman reaction fourth dimension, not because the Aramusha's kit is actually skilful.

Leave this i to the bots.

21. Shugoki

Sit on them.

Y'all're the biggest, baddest, meanest son-of-a-gun around, and your weapon proves information technology. Like Wario on steroids, you kill people by sitting on them, and it feels good. Sadly, even so, Shugoki simply isn't feasible for most competitive scenarios.

You tin can capitalize on a teamfighting situation decently with a demon'due south comprehend and charged heavies, but when information technology comes to brawls or duels you lot're outright outclassed. It is possible to brand the most of Shugoki with dedication and fourth dimension, but overall his kit is incredibly lacking — his armor can exist removed with a single GB, and also causes him to take 1.25x damage when down. His charged attacks are piece of cake to parry or GB, and his light attacks are similarly ho-hum, meaning that his just true utility volition exist in a big fight when he doesn't have an opponent. Sadly, he's frequently too irksome to achieve a teamfight of that type in time, so even that'due south quite hard to pull off.

He's definitely a one-trick pony; the GB into Demon'due south Cover combo is effective and crazy abrasive if you lot can pull it off, just most incommunicable to exercise anywhere outside of a gank.

Even with the subpar kit and tedious speed, he's yet intensely fun to play. You always feel similar the biggest, baddest guy in town every bit you lot swing your ridiculously big kanabo around, shrugging off the hits of bottom enemies. It's especially satisfying if you manage to one shot multiple opponents through the utilize of revenge.

twenty. Centurion

Alea iacta est.

Similarly to Shugoki, Centurion tin exist really tough for newer players to handle, simply because of how much damage he tin can dish out. He's also much better in a duel situation, comparatively because of his ability to dish out feints and combos. As a trade-off for this, however, he's irksome, and not in a "I'one thousand a slow and heavy tank" sort of manner, just rather, a "I'm a slow drinking glass cannon" kind of mode. His bottomless health pool has been a source of many memes in the community, and is on par with Shinobi's, despite the fact that he wears fully metal armor. He doesn't get any defensive mechanics to recoup, and so he's basically stuck.

On the other paw, he has some skilful offensive shticks, ranging from his literal 'shtick' of stabbing people, to his kicks and feinting into guard breaks. But all of this but comes into play if you can manage to survive long plenty, and high-level fights have a well-known bias towards defence force.

He is, however, effective at ganks. Being able to capitalize on a downed opponent, or punch someone to the ground is incredibly useful if you can get a buddy to distract your opponent and allow your damage to shine. That said, there are notwithstanding better gankers out in that location.

Notwithstanding, his armor is definitely some of the best looking in the game. I'll admit I'm a sucker for Grecian fashion, simply the combination of face plate musculus cuirass, and plumed helmet make for some truly awesome looking combinations. Sadly, I'm not accounting for looks in this rating. Maybe another time.

19. Raider

The Raider'south nigh constructive motion — ledging. Or spiking, as the situation requires.

Raider'southward basically a ii-play a trick on pony. Or 3 play a trick on, depending on how practiced you are. Basically, you fight as a raider by grabbing people and tossing them to the ground, and then striking them. Mix in a couple feinted zones into stunning taps, and that'southward basically all the adept parts in your kit. Again, fairly strong in dominion, simply because you can dish out a lot of harm in short social club against an unsuspecting foe. The grab, toss, and human knee to the face allow other gankers to dish out loads of damage against a opponent whose screen has gone white, but isn't super useful in fair fights.

Defensively, yous've got a fair amount of health as a vanguard, and a fairly lenient dodge timing to boot, but that'south unimpressive compared to the mind games that another heroes kits afford, like the total cake or hidden stance.

Overall, you've got very few defensive options and merely a few offensive ones, so it'southward a rough road to tread, but I imagine that'due south exactly what raiders desire; they're all about that "I'k a tough badass so I tin can play hard heroes". And more power to them — I've got cipher but respect for people who desire to challenge themselves.

In the end, though, in that location's no existent changing the fact that raider merely isn't at a adept place in the current meta.

eighteen. Lawbringer

Lawbringer. A.K.A Ponyboy

So, Lawbringer'south both very bad and very good. Let's starting time with the good: His bomb feats are ridiculous, he has a good parry punish, a decent shove, and a decent health pool. He'due south likewise got an unblockable, and the ridiculous thing where he grabs you with the end of his polearm; he tin can also push yous to the nearest wall, giving him a skilful ganking tool equally his buddies smack y'all. The bad? Pretty much everything else. Few ways to open an opponent, and little ability to punish any mistakes, his damage options are mostly subpar.

Because of this combination, he's quite viable in dominion, where yous tin play bomberman and have staying power throughout teamfights. His feats allow him to have a bomb — or four — in practically every fight, due to the short recharge time, and the fact he tin pack up to four bombs. It's basically an practise in frustration to play against a Lawbro that'southward gotten all of their perks. It's as well possible to pull off a gank that's literally unblockable if you time his polearm grab properly; if a buddy manages to take hold of an opponent, even if they counter guard break, there's enough time for your to grab and flip them over your caput, giving complimentary hits and a stunning height heavy.

In duel or brawl modes, though, where fights are even by nature, the Lawbringer tends to struggle more, as feats are removed and they're forced to fight on even terms; without a strong kit, the polearms principal will often find themselves defenseless flat-footed.

17. Valkyrie

Women have their secrets...

I've always thought it's a compassion that Valkyrie has consistently been a weaker character, because of how interesting her kit is. That said, I'm inappreciably going to dispute the almost universal consensus that she is, in fact, weak — by and large considering I believe it's right.

Let's break it down: She needs to land two lights in social club to knock an opponent downwardly, has ho-hum and hands read heavies, and back contrivance bash attack is basically pointless confronting an experienced enemy. Combined with low damage and mediocre health, she'southward mostly not particularly unsafe as an opponent in a duel.

She's still usable, in many means, though — she has first-class chase potential, and her dodge attacks are solid to use in a team fight. Moreover, her sweep is an splendid tool against an unprepared opponent, allowing for consistent ganks, and isn't terribly difficult to throw out, given her fast lights. Her feats in dominion are also strong: betwixt her javelin and bloodlust, she can easily remove a fighter during crucial battles.

Merely don't await to win a fight confronting someone of roughly equivalent skill level head-on; you'll have to utilise your wits to brand the most of this lady.

16. Orochi

Nothin' personnel, kid.

I'm honestly tempted to rate this one college because of my own personal traumas, merely that just really shows how much I still have to larn when information technology comes to For Honor.

The premier weeb hero combines lightning-fast katana strikes with a fast dodge, besides every bit the dorsum-and-forth slidy thing (a.1000.a Riptide Strike), in order to contend for the spot of fastest hero. His ridiculously fast light attacks also tin can make brusque work of a player defective in the defensive department. Toss in his Kiai feet and sharpen blade, and the Orochi has potential to be downright nasty when the state of affairs requires.

This is, however, at the expense of several things — Orochi's low wellness, when coupled with his reflex guard, means that if an enemy has a style to fake out your dodges, you're likely to be on the back foot for much of the fight. As well, sadly, his damage is subpar; his lights only hit for fifteen damage, while landing a top light combo just nets you xix points altogether. Similarly, his superlative heavy simply nets 35 damage, setting him among lower damage heroes.

He likewise has few ways to open an opponent upwardly, with very piddling multifariousness; no unblockable attacks mean that only baby-sit breaks can dial through an opponent'south guard, if they're properly defending. The counterpoint to this, however, is that the 400 ms light attacks are ridiculously hard to block, requiring a person to constantly be on their toes. They're as well a nightmare for newer players who oasis't nevertheless mastered defensive skills, allowing an experienced Orochi to mince them into fresh meat.

xv. Nuxia

For someone that wields dual swords, she'south very pokey; almost as much equally Nobushi.

My personal opinion after playing Nuxia for a fair amount of time is that she gets a bad rap, simply considering she's non as stiff as some of the other Wulin heroes. While it's true she'southward not a beast, she'due south definitely not weak either, and is plenty unsafe in the hands of a skilled player.

Her ability to toss out traps along with flexible chains is incredibly dangerous in the hands of a role player that knows how to make utilise of it, especially in a 1v1 or 2v2 scenario, and her ability to toss out 400 ms lights forth with dodge attacks brand her into an Orochi-like.

She's not every bit mobile as Orochi is, notwithstanding, and doesn't take the undodgeable attacks that Orochi can pull out. Frankly speaking, she's not as fast or mobile every bit he is, sacrificing that mobility for the ability to punch through enemy guards.

Traps, her unique mechanic, are a bit of an oddity; they'll allow you to dial through an opponent's guard, meaning you've got a way to get forcefulness reactions, just they can also exist countered in a myriad of means, the fastest of which is just switching guards, or alternatively, simply attacking, pregnant that an aggressive opponent can simply return that part of your kit useless.

Still, forcing an opponent into criminal offence is precisely what Nuxia wants, as her fast lights and deflects allow y'all to dish out damage against an ambitious opponent. In that manner, her overall weakness is simply having a low wellness puddle in a prolonged fight.

14. Gladiator

Fortuna audaces iuvat — Fortune favors the assuming.

Toss a coin into the loonshit, and hear the roar of the oversupply. That'southward what the Gladiator's all about — blood, riches, and the intoxication of battle.

I was honestly a little miffed to see i of my favorite heroes ranked so depression, but, in truth, I sympathize. They've got a adequately decent kit, between the punches, skewers, and fuscina ictus, they're solid. Only their overall stats and abilities don't really lend themselves well to a larger teamfight or 2v2, considering they just don't hitting hard enough. And, against college level players, I've found even the nastiest combos I can throw out tend to have means to counter them. Parry the skewer, dodge the toe stab, block the lights, dodge the punches.

That said, however, gladiator ranks as one of the best duelists in the game for one reason — their zone. Gladiator'south zone is basically free damage; it's virtually-unpunishable, feintable, and about impossible to react to, significant that a dueling gladiator can simply throw them out with abandon, so long as they still take stamina.

Finally, kit bug aside, Gladiator is simply weak in the defensive department. They're incredibly fast, much like the Orochi, allowing you to interrupt or contrivance a foe, but at that place's but so much that can be done against two enemies. With the assassin's wellness pool, it'southward no wonder that Gladiator gets quickly deleted if they're double teamed.

13. Shaman

She'll bite your legs off!

It'due south season four. Tribute mode, along with the Gauntlet and Marketplace town maps have just released.

It's finally your fourth dimension to shine. You lot take to the battleground, biting and rending with wild abandon, among scores of 'Wow!'s from your foes and ironic spamming of 'Good fight!' At night, you go on  reddit. The front end page is filled with posts well-nigh nerfing you.

You are… the shaman.

People still merits that Shaman is OP, usually later having their throats torn out by one hungry daughter, simply in truth, Ubisoft did an excellent job of nerfing her. She'south still the premier hero on dominion, no doubt about information technology, but the nerfs she took brought her down from the outright terror she was to something far more than manageable in a fight.

But don't let her pounce on you from behind.

She has some nasty punishes, allowing her to bleed you off a parry or land a pounce off of a light parry, but her damage has been nerfed enough that she'south non a major threat one-on-one, unless yous're playing a Centurion or Shinobi. The question, then, is why she'due south the prime hero on dominion. The reply, of course, is that if you're on the ground, being eaten by her, your other foes tin can take costless potshots at you, making her quite possibly the all-time ganker around. If you're up against but a shaman, accept the fight. Upwards confronting a shaman and her buddy? You should probably run for it.

12. Shinobi

The flight kusari is a deadly weapon.

Shinobi are the fastest hero effectually — you lot'd better believe it!

Almost the exact opposite of the Shaman, Shinobi is a strong duelist in rule, and decent in dueling gamemodes. The secret lies in the mobility — they can stall ganks past simply running away, and win i-on-ane fights with a decent success rate. Their ranged attack can too be a useful tool when in a teamfight, and allow them to isolate enemies in a chaotic battlefield. Their slide tackle also works every bit a good fashion to interrupt a fight; it's not uncommon for a finishing accident to be interrupted by the flight side tackle.

Their kit, however, is more often than not lower-damage, aside from the grab and a few select attacks. They also have absolutely abysmal health — the lowest of all the characters. That means that against a defended heavy or vanguard, they're at something of a disadvantage.

Thankfully, they can recoup for this defensively with a handful of options. Their double dodge allows them to slide out of sticky situations, and with a fleck of distance they tin can throw their kusarigama from relative safety.

They also can toss out a very quick and safe double-light, which can speedily delete the unprepared player, and if you allow them to ostend a grab, they can easily bleed you for a sizeable portion of your health.

Overall, they take their uses, especially as they tin can be anywhere they need to be on a battleground in short order, courtesy of their sprint ability.

11. Tiandi

Let'south get down to business organization — to defeat the Knights!

A new challenger has arrived!

Now the premier dodge-dancing hero, Mulan Tiandi joins the fray!

I've got no idea why, but the devs seem to really be into the thought of feintable dodge attacks and 400 ms lights with the Wulin, with Tiandi being the poster child for both features.

For the most part, the devs seem to intend for Tiandi to be primarily a defensive character, making use of extended heavy attack dodges to dance around an opponent (hopefully they patch the i-frames on them), and light assail dodges to punish strikes.

Offensively, they've got a pair decent options, with the 400 ms lights and follow up palm strike to make things difficult for an opponent. Their Dragon Boot as well makes for a useful teamfighting tool, and they take a fast zone which can be useful in revenge.

Frankly speaking, they don't have a lot of variation or mixup potential, but much like our next entry illustrates, that's non required to exist a solid fighter. The fast lights are incredibly hard to cake, but combining them with the ability to palm strike ways that, offensively, Tiandi functions like an Orochi++.

Defensively, they're (every bit of 10/27) yet bugged, and tin be hit by light attacks while doing a heavy dodge assault. That said, though, they're still defensively formidable, every bit information technology's not an piece of cake task to track a moving Tiandi, and the light dodge attacks even so office equally intended, significant that Tiandi is very much withal capable of turtling.

x. Peacekeeper

The closest thing that the Knights will ever have to a ninja.

She'due south fast, she's unsafe, and she likes to make her opponents bleed.

The Peacekeeper has one-half a dozen ways to bleed, making for keen synergy with any Shamans or Nobushi around. Haemorrhage also does a expert job at applying pressure to your opponent — you've already confirmed the impairment, but if you stack enough bleed most enemies will experience pressured to assault you.

To boot, her moveset is solid — her guard break is loftier damage and allows allies to follow up, while her zone and dagger cancels deal decent damage and difficult to react to. She's too got a fast dodge, as well as a decent deflect mechanic. Side dodge abilities also permit for ways to slip past guard breaks and bashes.

Oddly enough, her greatest declining, in my eyes, is boredom. She's a very ane-dimensional hero to play, and nigh everyone who plays her is forced to resorted to the aforementioned moves, over and over again. Well-nigh Peacekeeper players are only relegated to throwing out dagger cancels with occasional zones as they contrivance enemy attacks.

Despite existence 1 of the most solid all-round characters, her brusk list of moves and small kit mean that she's often just boring to play, despite being good.

nine. Highlander

The fury of the Northmen.

Dunmaglass! Pretty much everyone who play For Honour has heard this quote past now, the signature battlecry of the claymore-toting Highlander. His shtick is the shift between offensive and defensive styles — if you give him a chance to shift into offense, say bye to your health bar. The risk, however, is that he is practically a sitting duck with his claymore out, so every highlander player has to account for that when preparing to Dunmaglass the foe.

His defense is hardly lacking, despite what would seem to exist an offensive focus. Between the superior block on lights and super armor on heavies, fighting in defensive style is reminiscent of playing as Warlord or Shugoki. The Celtic Curse with cancellation is also a solid date tool, or soft feint, as the state of affairs requires, allowing you to quickly shift assault directions.

Offensively, the Fomorian Might soft-feint into Caber Toss is vaguely reminiscent of Warden's old fifty/50 vortex spam, with adept reason, as information technology's near-impossible to avoid, and allows you to follow upwardly with a truly nasty amount of impairment.

Overall, Highlander tends to be more of a glass cannon in teamfights, as the cry of 'Dunmaglass' immediately draws the attending of all enemies effectually them. But with brawls and duels, they tin more than reliably shift dorsum and forth betwixt defence, making them a foe to be reckoned with.

8. Warlord


What happens when you give a viking a shield? Goose egg skillful, that's what. Teaching a Viking to actually protect themselves makes them into a Warlord, and damn if they aren't difficult to kill. My advice for handling a Warlord?


They consistently place amidst the strongest duelists due to how difficult they are to kill in a 1v1 state of affairs, simply their danger drops swiftly as more players become involved, considering a Warlord's damage is subpar, and their kit centers around defence force.

Crashing charge is basically their merely offensive ability, unless you count headbutt as offensive; every other ability or move is reactive or defensive in nature; their full block tin can shift into a heavy undodgeable on reaction; their light attacks take superior block and heavies have uninterruptible.This basically makes Warlords the kings of turtling. Somewhat tedious to play, in whatever state of affairs, but reliable and consequent, if frustrating to your enemies.

7. Nobushi

Float similar a butterfly; sting like a bee.

Another one of my personal favorites, Nobushi is primarily a defensive character, simply much less of a turtle than Warlord, relying more on constant mobility to win fights. Her Subconscious Stance is essentially her focal point, assuasive her to soft cancel any attack into a dodge, which can be followed with a kick, low-cal, heavy, or zone. She can besides abolish recovery with dodges, and is 1 of the merely heroes to have a dodged light and heavy. Her zone is also quick, and the follow up is feintable.

Her main issue is the lack of offensive abilities. She has an fantabulous follow upwards, but opening up a turtling foe requires feints or the use of subconscious stance, often, so almost Nobushi simply prefer to defend. If offense is required, they enter a difficult position, where feints and hidden stances must be used in order to force a reaction.

Overall, her kit is very solid, and incredibly versatile, offer a solution for pretty much every situation — except offense.

This means that she shines in modes with many heroes, where she is able to make use of her long reach and myriad of punishing abilities to drain enemies or punish foes during teamfights; her abilities are also mostly useful for zone command, if not particularly notable in that surface area.

6. Jiang Jun

A jade can be smashed, but its white cannot exist altered. A bamboo tin can exist incinerated, but its roots cannot exist destroyed. — Guan Yu, the Saint of War

On some level, I'1000 kind of happy that people are calling Jiang Jun OP. On another level, detailed analysis shows that this is conspicuously untrue; he's nowhere near as strong as the heroes higher on the tier listing, and I personally think that I may be overrating him only because of my bias towards the character. (I'one thousand a sucker for Romance of the Three Kingdoms lore.)

Still, though, he's no slouch, this much is true. His set on timings and animations are funky, meaning that he'southward hard to parry, as well every bit the fact that he has easy access to unblockable attacks, not to mention his soft-feint to kicking, which is particularly tricky to contrivance. He also has a 400 ms low-cal follow up strike. His virtually formidable ability, however, I've found to be the side dodge heavy to light soft feint, which nobody seems able to block or parry properly, for whatever reason. Although I effigy this volition fade with fourth dimension, it'll likely remain strong, every bit the fast soft feint allows yous to contrivance while countering guard breaks.

Furthermore, his Sifu stance allows him to recharge stamina at an absurd charge per unit while providing a back dodge, meaning that, while he's no Gladiator or Centurion with mixups, he's still quite capable of sustaining and offense, rather than having to reactively strike.

Overall, his abilities are incredibly solid; while he'due south not besides rounded as the Kensei or Warden, he's still got a bevy of abilities that make him a formidable threat.

5. Kensei

Hey, buddy. You dropped something.

Dangerous in a grouping fight of whatsoever kind, the Kensei'south soft feints and dodge are the centerpiece of their kit, assuasive them to soft feint from whatsoever acme heavy attack into a dodge or hyper armored side. This gives them incredible versatility in terms of offensive options, likewise as a solid defense force due to the long dodge window. The Kensei kit also includes unblockable attacks such equally the pommel strike and heavy attack finisher; the quondam is fast and hard to defend against, and the latter pressures the opponent into reacting while providing opportunities to feint. Kensei also make use of the grasping pounce, allowing them to toss out a quick baby-sit suspension at unexpected timings, which tin can and so chain into whatsoever of their other abilities.

Overall, Kensei play equally very solid characters, with a well-rounded kit for any situation. Neither specialized for defense or offense, they simply practice everything well. Typically, in Rule, their strong kit couples with strong feats such as Chilling Stare or Unblockable Attacks, making them dangerous in group fights, while in duels their kit is unremarkably enough to handle a lesser foe.

4. Shaolin

Don't worry, old Sun Wukong will sock you i! — Sun Wukong

Again, possibly biased. I'm doing the best I can here, but these guys were some of my childhood heroes — I'll exit information technology to you to make up one's mind how accurate my judgements are.

The Shaolin, based upon the famous Sun Wukong, is a highly versatile fighter; kind of like if Orochi and Highlander were to have a lovechild. His Qi stance is vaguely reminiscent of Highlander's offensive stance, while his attacks are fast and rails, much like those of Orochi. His damage, sadly, hails from his Orochi-esque roots. You can inappreciably expect a staff to striking as hard as a claymore anyways, so it simply makes sense. That said, the Shaolin is easily the character with the near versatile kit in the game, with his Qi stance allowing him to utilise feintable tracking dodges, an unblockable, a kick, or a lite attack with superior block. In theory, he can react to pretty much whatsoever form of attack from Qi opinion. Outside of that, he has his iii-hit zone and 3-hitting staff blows: if he manages to country a light attack through the left or right guards, he gets not one, but two follow upwardly attacks, totalling 22 damage birthday. His kick as well can chain into a confirmed light, unblockable heavy, or sweep, all of which are quite useful.

I literally don't recommend throwing out any heavies which aren't confirmed, simply because of how slow they are — they'll act every bit free parries for your opponent, so you should by and large avoid their usage. Aside from the atypical point, however, he's quite strong; fifty-fifty more so when you consider the teleporting feats which he can pull out in dominion.

three. Berserker

Stick close and make 'em hurt.

Berserkers, contrary to the typical assassin, and the proper noun, tend to do all-time in battles of attrition. It's a archetype case of 'how did the Vikings do assassinations?' Answer? They didn't, not actually. They kind of but ran at people and hit them until they died, so what you see is what you lot go.

Sticking shut to the enemy, and tossing out many little hits is basically the name of the game with them. The main declining that they have to bargain with is absolutely abysmal range. The length of their axes means that any foe a longer weapon can hands go along their altitude, if they're careful.

The Berserker kit, withal, is designed to prevent enemies from pulling too far away or interrupting your flow of attacks. Your infinite concatenation becomes hyper-armored after ii hits, and can chain into an unblockable hyper armored top heavy, while dodges can exist used at almost any fourth dimension to soft feint attacks. The dodge also has other functions, namely chaining into side attacks, too as deflecting. A skilled Berserker can deflect well-nigh attacks from a soft feint, assuasive them to follow upwards with a guard break.

Berserker's biggest declining is, peradventure, just that they are difficult to learn and master. A skillful Berserker is a force to be reckoned with, simply because they have few weaknesses, but getting there is no easy feat, because of the coordination that mastery requires.

ii. Warden

Deus Vult!

For Honor'southward flagship hero, i of the nearly popular characters, and the original Tin CanTM, the Warden is a dangerous combatant on the battleground. Though recently reworked to remove the soft feint into vortex spam, the shoulder bash is nonetheless a dangerous move that provides a strong opening power. The new heavy unblockable also forces an opponent reaction, and makes for an excellent move to feint. The zone remains one of the best in the game as well, with a laser-quick timing of 400 ms, making it one of the fastest attacks in the game, and difficult to parry on reaction. Finally, his forward dodge heavy is fast, and can close a gap in an instant, punishing unprepared enemies.

His feats in dominion are no slouch either, with morale booster increasing feat damage on allies, and thick blood preventing bleed, effectively shutting down Shaman, and to a bottom extent Nobushi. Wardens besides lack any salient weaknesses, making them an excellent team combatant who doesn't need to exist wary of taking a striking or 2.

Overall, the just real notable weakness in a Warden'south kit is the speed which a shoulder bash tin can take to charge up, pregnant that an interruption by a quick light attack tin can prevent them from using it, only besides that, they lack for very niggling, making them a solid fighter in all aspects.

Oh, and you can end your foes rightly. Pommel throw!

1. Conquistador

Y'all! Shall! Not! Pass!

Our final entry, Conqueror, takes first place by a pocket-sized margin, being very stiff in duels, and brawls, while being 'merely' strong in rule. Conquerors have something of an unusual kit, due to the flail-and-shield combination that they wield, which sees them constantly tossing out shield bashes to chain into flail attacks.

And boy, are those shield bashes nasty. They runway fairly well onto side dodges, and tin be delayed, to kick, meaning that if you contrivance likewise early, they'll still manage to get you. Combine the bash with the full cake mechanic, which allows them to turtle upwardly, equally well as the superior block on zone. They also take the ability to soft feint a heavy into a shield fustigate, as well as follow upwardly a light with a shield bash.

In brusk, everything is a shield bash with Conquerors. For anyone fighting a Conqueror, focus on their left arm; you lot can forget about the flail, because that'southward non all that dangerous. Information technology's the shield that'll get you, every time.

Honestly, a adept Conqueror has very few weaknesses, the primary ane being unblockable attacks. This results in Highlanders beingness a reliable counter for them, only even that requires some skill, as a decent Conqueror will strive to prevent you lot from inbound offensive stance when possible.

It's fairly rare to find highly skilled Conquerors, however. Thankfully, they seem to be rather unpopular, and somewhat difficult to larn, despite their effectiveness.


Hopefully this has given you a more than detailed insight into which hero you lot'd similar to pick up, every bit well every bit how to handle your foes meliorate, even if only a niggling. I highly recommend looking into Youtube guides also as the competitive For Honor subreddit, at r/ForHonorCompetitive for more than detailed, in depth guides, simply very little can supersede actual time spent on the battleground.

May you lot always find honor on the battlefield!


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