Funny Commercial Where Man Walks Into What He Thinks Is a Automatic Sliding Door

Walks into a bar jokes are great for any occasion. They can make people huff, blow air forcefully from their nose and more importantly, make them laugh. From witty jokes to maths jokes.

With the same jokes flying around, it can be difficult to find the perfect jokes. But don't worry, we have you covered with some of the best walk into a bar jokes out there.


16 Best Walk Into A Bar Jokes

Walks into a bar jokes can be either hilarious or downright silly. But when the occasion calls for it, you need to have a few of the best ones up your sleeve.

Here are the 16 best walk into a bar jokes:

1. A ghost walks into a bar, the bartender says...

This joke is so simple it is actually hilarious.

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"Sorry, we don't serve spirits."

2. A sandwich walks into a bar. The bartender says...

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"Sorry, we don't serve food here."

3. A man walks into a bar with a piece of asphalt under his arm and says...

It's always nice to go for drinks with a friend, but it is even better when it's funny.

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"A beer please! And one for the road!"

4. A guy walks into a bar carrying jumper cables. The bartender says...

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"Hey pal, don't start anything in here."[/learn_nore]

5. A man with authority walks into a bar.

Putting serious people in a funny situation is always funny.

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He orders everyone around.

6. Two conspiracy theorists walk into a bar.

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You can't tell me that was just a coincidence, man.

7. A snake walks into a bar. The bartender says...

It might take a while for your audience to get this one, but when they do it'll be hilarious.

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"How did you do that?"

8. So a five-dollar bill walks into a bar, and the bartender says...

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"Hey. This is a singles bar."

9. E-flat walks into a bar. The bartender says...

As if the minor scales are not sad enough. But this joke makes it just a little funnier.

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"Sorry, we don't serve minors."

10. A corn stalk walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Want to hear a joke?" The corn stalk replies...

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11. Three fonts walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says...

With hilarious visuals and a little wordplay, this is one of the funniest jokes around.

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"We don't serve your type in here."

12. An atheist, a vegan and a Crossfitter walk into a bar.

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I only know because they told everyone within the first three minutes.

13. A cat walks into a bar.

For anyone who has ever owned a cat, this joke is hilariously accurate.

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Then out of the bar. Then back in. Then out again.

14. A giraffe walks into a bar. "Sorry", said the barman...

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"We don't serve Heineken here."

15. A blind man walks into a bar...

A bit of physical comedy will always make people laugh.

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And a table. And a door. And a staircase.

16. Two termites walk into a bar. One asks...

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"Is the bar tender here?"

13 Cheesy Walk Into A Bar Jokes

There is only one thing people love more than cheese, and it's cheesy jokes. Each joke might be met with an eye roll, but you know that they are really laughing deep down.

Here are 13 cheesy walk into a bar jokes:

17. Back in my day you could go to a convenience store with a dollar and come back with some chips and 3 candy bars.

While we don't agree with shoplifting, we can't help but laughing at this one.

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Now they have cameras.

18. A lion walks into a bar...

Fight or flight? Neither, just a lot of laughing.

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Several people get up and leave predicting the impending danger.

19. A woman was throwing darts at a bar when an attractive young man approached her. He said...

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"Excuse me, miss?" And so she did.

20. After playing on the jungle gym for a few hours, a tired child walks into a bar.

This joke reads like a funny fail video, obviously making it hilarious.

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He really should have looked where he was going.

21. A tennis ball walks into a bar...

This one is a little backhanded, get it?

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The bar man asks: "have you been served?"

22. A fan walks into a bar, turns to the bartender and...

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then back to the door, then to the bartender and back to the door.

23. Descartes walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender asks "You wanna beer?"Descartes says...

Who knew mixing philosophy and comedy would be so funny?

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"I think not." and disappears.

24. A horse walked into a bar and the bartender asked...

This one may be an oldie but it is definitely a goodie.

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"Why the long face?"

25. A brain walks into a bar and orders a pint of beer. The bartender says...

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"I'm not serving you, you're out of your skull!"

26. A goldfish walks into a bar and looks at the bartender. The bartender asks, "What can I get you?" The goldfish says...

There is nothing funnier than mixing a joke with impending doom.

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27. A dachshund walks into a bar and says...

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"Bartender, pour me a long one."

28. A cat walks into a bar and orders a glass of water. The bartender asks...

Some of the best jokes are ones that have an element of truth. That makes this one really funny.

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"Are you going to drink it, or just knock it over on purpose?"

29. Shakespeare walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a beer. "I can't serve you," replies the bartender...

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15 Bad Walk Into A Bar Jokes

For some reason, bad jokes, and more particularly bad walk into a bar jokes, are always a crowd-pleaser. That's why it is great to have some bad jokes up your sleeve.

Here are 15 bad walk into a bar jokes:

30. An amnesiac walks into a bar and asks the bartender...

Oh, this one is so bad, it'snearlyfunny.

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"Do I come here often?"

31. A man walks into an English pub and orders a pint of Adenosine Triphosphate. The barman says...

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"that will be 80p."

32. A book walks into a bar. The bartender says...

If you are ever caught in a conversation with an author, this is a great joke to tell.

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"Please, no stories!"

33. A drunk walks into a bar...

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And the bartender asks me what I want.

34. A cable TV installer walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says...

Some of the best jokes are the ones where karma is involved.

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"You'll be served sometime between 7 and 2."

35. An electrician walks into a bar all amped up and is shocked when...

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the bartender refuses him regular service.

36. A pig walks into a bar, the bartender says "What'll it be?" The pig replies...

With a great pun and fast delivery, this joke is always a winner.

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"A pint of guinea's please."

37. A guy walks up to the Bartender at a wedding reception and asks...

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"Is this the punch line?"

38. The last man on earth walks into a bar, and says...

This one is kind of sad, but it's also really funny.

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"Drink, I'd like another bartender."

39. An anagramist walks into a bar, and the bartender says...

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"Why the clean fog?"

40. A giraffe walks into a bar.

Slightly dirty and a little bit adult but this joke is so subtle its hilarious.

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"High balls are on me!"

41. A really big Chia pet walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "What'll it be?" The Chia pet says...

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"Anything but water!"

42. A short story walks into a bar.

And that is literally all she wrote.

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43. An inkjet cartridge walks into a bar. The bartender asks...

Because let's face it. An ink cartridge is never full!

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"Are you sure you don't need a refill?"

44. A baseball walks into a bar, and the bartender...

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10 Witty Walk Into A Bar Jokes

Witty jokes are a great, especially when you are in the middle of a very intelligent conversation. By picking the right witty jokes, you can make a dull conversation entertaining.

Here are 10 witty walk into a bar jokes:

45. After a rather wet night the bartender asks Bruce, who's lying on the floor: "Would you like a chair there, mate?"

There is bring drunk and then there is beingdrunk. This one gets the hilarity just right.

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"No, I'm okay standing, thanks."

46. A chicken walks into a bar. The bartender says "We don't serve poultry!" "That's okay," says the chicken...

Who knew an oblivious chicken could be so funny?

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"I just want a drink."

47. Two tubs of yogurt walk into a bar. The bartender, who is a container of cottage cheese, says to them, "We don't serve your kind in here." "Why not?" asks one of the yogurts.

This one is both educational and funny.

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"We're cultured individuals."

48. A minimalist...

Short. Sweet. Hilarious.

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49. An eye chart walks into a bar. Almost immediately, the bartender walks over and sets down a glass of dark beer and some chicken wings, which just happens to be exactly what the vision checking tool was going to order. "How did you know what I wanted?" the optometrist's aide asked. "Simple", said the bartender...

This one is both funny and cute. A perfect combination.

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"You're really easy to read."

50. A ceiling fan walks into a bar, and says, "I'd like a beer, but I can't pay you until tomorrow." Bartender says...

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"Look, we've gone round and round about this."

51. An EMT walks into a bar and is startled to see a woman lying on the floor and no one showing any concern. Rushing toward her to help, he asks the bartender over his shoulder, "Any idea what the lady's problem is?" The man drawing beer, says...

With its serious introduction, the punch line of this joke is such to know anyone out.

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"Oh she just fell for a pick-up line."

52. An egg walks into a bar, looks around and sees the place is empty. The egg says to the bartender, "Looks like I beat everyone here this morning." The bartender says...

If you are even asked the answer to the infamous question, this joke should set them straight.

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"Not really. The chicken came first."

53. A knife and a spoon walk into a bar. The bartender, used to seeing the full set of silverware together, says, "Where's your four-pronged friend?" "Oh," the sharper of the two replies...

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"We passed a sign and he got out of the car to help the fork in the road.

54. A chicken walks into a bar. The bartender says...

Just in case your ever wondering why the chicken crossed the road, this is probably the reason.

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"Sorry, we don't serve chickens here. Try the place across the road."

18 Funniest Walk Into A Bar Jokes Ever

What is funnier than a joke? The funniest jokes ever obviously! These jokes are sure to make your audience roll on the ground laughing.

Here are 18 funniest walk into a bar jokes ever:

55. A chicken walks into a bar, looks around and says to the barman...

A case of mistaken identity does have a tendency to make people laugh.

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"Sorry, wrong joke"

56. A Don't Walk sign walks into a bar. The bartender says...

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"Hey, you can't do that!"

57. A light bulb walks into a bar, hands the bartender a dollar and says, "I need some quarters for the meter." Bartender says...

Turning an old joke on its head, this joke is both clever and really funny.

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"Sorry, it takes three bartenders to change a light bulb."

58. An Oxford comma walks into a bar, where it spends the evening...

If you are using this one, it is probably best to write it down.

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Watching the television getting drunk, and smoking cigars.

59. A square, a triangle, and a hexagon walk into a bar. The bartender says...

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"Looks like you guys could use a round."

60. A neutrino walks into a bar. The bartender says "we don't serve neutrinos in here." The neutrino says...

With a little bit of physics, you can make any joke funny.

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"I was just passing through."

61. A TV sitcom walks into a bar. The bartender says...

A little word of caution, if you use this joke, it may lead to a sing-a-long version of the Cheers theme tune.

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62. Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar.

Or does. Or doesn't. Or does. We'll never know.

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63. A weasel walks into a bar. "You look underage," says the Bartender. "I can't serve you alcohol."...

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"I'll have a pop," goes the weasel.

64. A potato peeler walks into a bar, goes and sits in a booth in the back. A while later, a potato walks into the bar. Bartender says...

Get it? Cause he's Scotch tape? Just me. Ok...

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"Don't go back there."

65. A piano walks into a bar after hours. The bartender says...

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"Hey, who gave you the keys?"

66. A guy walks into a bar and asks, "Do you have any helicopter-flavored potato chips?" The bartender says...

Simple but really effective, this joke will have people laughing in no time.

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"No, we only have plane."

67. A roll of tape walks into a bar. The bartender says, "What would you like?" The tape says...

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"Make it a Scotch."

68. A roll of duct tape walks into a bar. The bartender says "What can I get you?" The duct tape says...

Consistency is key when telling a good joke.

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"I'll stick to my usual."

69. A guy walks into a bar with a duck on his head. The bartender looks up and says "Where did you get that ape?" Guy says, "This isn't an ape, it's a duck". The bartender says...

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"I was TALKING to the duck".

70. Bacon and Eggs walk into a bar. The bartender says...

Simple and to the point, this joke is one of the funniest ones around.

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"Sorry, we don't serve breakfast."

71. Two peanuts walked into a bar...

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And one was a-salted.

72. A pig goes into a bar and orders ten drinks. He finishes them up and the bartender says, "Don't you need to know where the bathroom is?" The pig says...

Cute and slightly nostalgic, this joke is really hilarious.

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"No, I go wee wee all the way home."

16 Corny Walk Into A Bar Jokes

From intelligent jokes to stupid jokes, corny jokes come in all shapes and sizes. When you really want to make someone laugh, corny jokes are the best ones to have.

Here are 16 corny walk into a bar jokes:

73. A web-content writer walks into a bar...

Well they say that the hook is all you need for a good joke.

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And you won't believe what happens next.

74. A simile and a metaphor walk into a bar...

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Like fog coming in on little cat feet.

75. A guy walks into a bar. His buddy laughs and says...

Sometimes having someone back can be funny.

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"Don't worry, I didn't see it either."

76. Ambiguity walks into a bar. When the bartender sees it...

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He wipes his glasses.

77. Redundancy walks into a bar...

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hops onto a stool, and takes a seat.

78. A pickle walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, you're a pickle! What are you doing here?" The pickle says...

With a bit of misdirection, this joke really gets people laughing.

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"Well for starters, I'm celebrating the fact that I can walk."

79. A split infinitive tries to surreptitiously walk into a bar.

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But it gets bounced.

80. A bar walks into a man.

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Oops, wrong frame of reference.

81. A skeleton walks into a bar and says...

The visual on this one is good enough to have everyone laughing.

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"Give me a beer — and a mop."

82. After hotly pursuing a hearse, a pun walks into a bar and asks if...

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Anyone wants a bier chaser.

83. A spy walks into a bar. The bartender says...

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"Why the wrong face?"

84. Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender asks...

By combining literary knowledge and beer, what do you get? A great walk into a bar joke, obviously.

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85. Crowded with happy patrons...

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A dangling modifier walks into a bar.

86. A minimalist technical writer walks into a bar.

Simple and to the point.

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87. A warlock walks into a bar...

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Everyone knows he a warlock cause he announces it immediately.

88. A superconductor walks into a bar. The bartender says "We don't serve superconductors here."...

For those of you that are into particle physics, this joke is pretty hilarious.

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The superconductor leaves without putting up any resistance.

20 Walk Into A Bar Dad Jokes

For years, dad jokes have been the type of jokes that people roll their eyes at. But let's face it, they are the best type of jokes.

Here are 20 walk into a bar dad jokes:

89. A cowboy walks into a bar, dressed entirely in paper...

Tell this joke with a couple of actions and it will be really funny.

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Wasn't long before he was arrested for rustling.

90. A white horse walks into a bar, and the barman sees the horse and says: "Hey, we have a whisky here named after you!" The horse then says:

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91. David Hasselhoff walks into a bar and says to the barman, "I want you to call me David Hoff." The barman replies...

A dad joke wouldn't be funny without a play on words.

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"Sure thing, Dave... no hassle."

92. So three lazy stereotypes walk into a bar.

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You know what they're like.

93. A robot walks into a bar, orders a drink, and lays down a bill. The bartender says "Hey, we don't serve robots!", and the robot says...

Scary and weirdly accurate, this joke has a weird sense of impending doom around it.

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"No, but someday you will."

94. So three post-structuralists walk into a bar...

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It's impossible to articulate what happened to them individually in one coherent punchline.

95. So Marx, Lenin and Trotsky walk into a bar. Marx argues the punchline is inevitable. Lenin has a five-year plan...

Who knew economy theory could be so funny?

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Trotsky flirts with a woman.

96. And the barman says 'why are you all dressed this way?'...

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So, three time travellers walk into a bar.

97. So three moon-landing deniers walk into a bar...

With so much intrigue, who really knows?

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But it could have been a secret studio in Texas fitted out to look like it's a bar.

98. A cockroach, a rat and an ant walk into a bar...

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They receive strange looks from all those inside, as the bartender calls pest control.

99. Bill Gates walks into a bar, and everyone inside suddenly becomes...

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A millionaire on average.

100. A hipster walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Would you care for our drinks menu?" and the hipster says...

This one is funny and also painfully accurate.

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"No thanks. I've already read it on Scribd."

101. A baby goat walks into a bar, and the bartender says...

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"I'm sorry, but we don't serve kids here."

102. A man walks into a bar...

You see, limbo is all about techniques you know?

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and is promptly knocked out of the World Limbo Championships.

103. A man walks into a bar in London...

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Ouch! It was an overpriced bar.

104. The Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and Black Seas walk into a bar looking very sad. The barman looks at them and says:

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105. Elvis walks into a bar, says "love me, tender", and the bartender...

Who knew that a little bit of romance would be so funny?

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Holds him gently, strokes his quiff and they grow old together.

106. An infrared photon walked into a bar and said...

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"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

107. An xray photon walked into a bar. The bartender says,"can I get you something to drink?" The xray photon said...

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"no, I'm just having a look inside!"

108. A green photon walked into a bar. The bartender said...

Because, you know, you wouldn't want to make a photon embarrassed.

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"You look fluorescent!" The photon turned red, and left.

13 Walk Into A Bar Math Jokes

Telling a joke is comes down to simple maths. With one jokes and one bit of humor, you get great math jokes. Don't believe me? Well, have I got some great math jokes for you?

Here are 13 walk into a bar math jokes:

109. A calculus teacher walks into a bar, and orders a Coke. The bartender says, "Can't I get you something stronger?" The calculus teacher says...

A responsible calculus teacher is a hilarious calculus teacher.

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"Sorry, but I can't drink and derive."

110. A bar walks...

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Into a commutative algebraist.

111. Two polynomials walk into a bar. The bartender, a derivative, asks them "Can I take you order?" The polynomials run out screaming...

Sequential mathematics has literallynever been this funny.

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"Help! The bartender threatened to kill me!

112. And the bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve tachyons here."...

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A tachyon walks into a bar.

113. A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer walk into a bar. The barman looks at the three and says...

Truth be told, this can actually happen in real life!

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"Is this some kind of joke?"

114. A definite integral walks into a bar and orders five shots of tequila. The bartender says, "Dude, are you sure you can handle that?" The integral says...

There is something about a math joke that can really make you giggle.

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"Yeah, I know my limits."

115. An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third orders a quarter of a beer. Before the next one can order, the bartender says...

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"You're all so mean," and pours two beers.

116. ƒ(x) walks into a bar. The barman says...

Is it bad that I actually feel a little sorry for f(x)? It's still pretty funny though.

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"Sorry, we don't cater for functions."

117. A definite integral walks into a bar and orders five shots of tequila. The bartender says, "Dude, are you sure you can handle that?" The integral says...

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"Yeah, I know my limits."

118. A statistician walks into just your average bar. Bartender says, we don't serve statisticians in this bar. The statistician says...

What is the statistical probability that this one is funny? Really really high.

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Well, you're just mean.

119. a guy walks into a bar and says, "give me 10x the number of drinks that everyone in here is drinking" the bartender says...

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"that, my friend, is an order of magnitude."

120. Square root of negative one walks into a bar and asks a girl for her number, she says...

For anyone who has ever tutored students in maths, this one is for you.

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121. Three logicians walk into a bar. bartender: do you all want beer?

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Logician 1: i don't know Logician 2: i don't know Logician 3: i know

14 Stupid Walk Into A Bar Jokes

What is funny, short and makes people sigh? Stupid jokes, obviously! They are silly and stupid but they are always funny.

Here are 14 stupid walk into a bar jokes:

122. A bear walks into a bar wearing a baseball cap. Bartender says, "You want to watch the Cubs?". The bear says...

A little courtesy goes a long way.

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"Do you have a secret camera in my house!? Is my family okay!? What do you want from me!?"

123. A red, an orange, a yellow, a green, a blue, an indigo, and a violet photon...

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Walked into a gay bar.

124. A man walks into a bar...

This one is so stupid it nearly makes you hit yourself in the head.

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It left a huge bruise on his forehead.

125. A soccer ball walks into a bar...

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The bartender kicked him out.

126. A magician walks down an alley and...

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127. A priest, a rabbi and a photon walk into a bar, and a drunk says...

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I think I see the Light!

128. A guy sees a beautiful woman at the other end of the bar. He walks up to her and says, "Where have you been all my life?" "Well," she says...

Shocking but hilarious, this one is super stupid.

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"For the first half of it, I wasn't even born."

129. A giraffe walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Do you want a long neck?" The giraffe says...

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"Do I have a choice?"

130. A photon stopped at the bar and asked if there was a room to rent. The bartender said "Sure thing. Can I take your bag up to your room?" The photon said...

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"No, I am traveling light."

131. Arnold Schoenberg walks into a bar...

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"I'll have a gin please, but no tonic"

132. An SEO copywriter walks into a bar...

Well this joke is always on the top of my search list.

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grill, pub, public house, Irish, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor...

133. A photon walks into a bar. The bartender says, "what'll you have?" The photon says...

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134. E-flat walks into a bar. The bartender says...

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"Sorry, we don't serve minors."

135. A baby seal walks into a bar. "What can I get you?" asks the bartender...

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"Anything but a Canadian Club," replies the seal.

14 Dog Walk Into A Bar Jokes

Dogs are cute, aren't they? They are man's best friend but they are also really funny. That's why there is so many dog jokes out there.

Here are14 dog walk into a bar jokes:

136. A Dog Walks into a Bar, and says...

Who doesn't love a dog with class?

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"Toilet water on the rocks, please!"

137. A dog limps into a bar and says...

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"I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."

138. A dog goes into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender says, "You don't see a dog in here drinking a martini very often." The dog says...

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"At these prices, I'm not surprised."

139. A Dog Walks into a Bar and...

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140. A blind man walks into a bar, grabs his dog by its hind legs, and swung him around in a circle. The bartender says, "Hey buddy, what are you doing?" And the blind man says...

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"Don't mind me, I'm just looking around."

141. A Dog Walks into a Bar and, orders water because...

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He can't hold his licker.

142. A tourist goes into a bar, and there's a dog sitting in a chair, playing poker. He says, "Is that dog really playing poker?" And the bartender says...

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"Yeah, but he's not too good. Whenever he has a good hand, he starts wagging his tail."

143. A Dog Walks into a Bar and, orders water because...

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He can't hold his licker."

144. A Dog Walks into a Bar and asks...

At least he asked first.

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"Is this fire hydrant taken?"

145. A dog walks into a bar, the bartender puts a pint, some mixers and ice in front of him. The dog asks...

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"Is this some kind of set up?"

146. A Dog Walks into a Bar...

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then out, then in, then back out.

147. A dog walks into a bar. The dog says, "Gimme a beer." The bartender says, "Wow! You can talk! You should get a job at the circus!" The dog says...

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"They're hiring electricians at the circus?"

148.A Dog Walks into a Bar and says "you look quite fetching today." The Bartender says "Thanks, I really dig your backyard." The dog says...

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"I like big mutts and I cannot lie."

149. A Dog Walks into a Bar...

Their lack of concentration is really what we love about dogs, isn't it?

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11 Political Walk Into A Bar Jokes

Politics can be very serious. And that's why it is so easy to make political jokes. From satire to walks into a bar jokes, political jokes always make people laugh.

Here are 11 political walk into a bar jokes:

150. A black guy, a muslim, an illegal alien, and a socialist walk into a bar. The bartender asks...

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"What can I get you, Mr. President?"

151. So Gaddafi, Mubarak and Ben-Ali walk into a bar. After they left...

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The Muslim Brotherhood won the elections, banned alcohol & closed the bar.

152. So three French thinkers walk into a bar. But they refuse to continue the joke because...

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the format represents Anglo-Saxon cultural hegemony.

153. A Democrat walks into a bar. He asks the bartender, "What's your most popular drink?" Bartender replies, "a Russian Collusion". The Democrat responds "I'll have one of those." The bartender then...

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Gives him an empty glass and says "enjoy."

154. A politician walks into a bar. Boom.

Can someone please say "too soon"?

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155. So a Maronite, a Sunni, a Shiite, a Druze, a Greek Orthodox, a Greek Catholic, An Arm...

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Oh there's not enough space for a Lebanese bar joke.

156. So three Arab commentators walk into a bar. They get funding from the EU and call it...

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'A Panel Discussion on the Arab Spring.'

157. So three Jordanians walk into a bar. The king removes the Prime Minister & dissolves the parliament...

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That's how all stories finish in Jordan.

158. So three members of the Syrian opposition walk into a bar. But...

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the punch line has been delayed due to internal wrangling.

159. So three Iranian presidential candidates walk into a bar. We're waiting...

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for the Supreme Leader to issue the punchline.

160. So, Bill Clinton walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says, "Does he talk?" Parrot says...

Perfectly accurate and hilarious, this joke will have your audience in knots laughing.

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"Not for less than 500 grand."

8 Walk Into A Bar Lawyer Jokes

In the serious world of law, lawyer jokes are never welcome. But for the rest of the time, lawyer jokes are great jokes to have up your sleeve, no matter the event.

Here are 8 walk into a bar lawyer jokes:

161. So this lawyer walks into a bar and asks...

A common misunderstanding that is always funny.

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"Is this where I take the exam?"

162. A man walks into a bar with his alligator and asks: "Do you serve lawyers here?". The bartender says: "Yes, of course we do!" The man says...

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"OK, I'll have a beer for myself and a lawyer for my alligator."

163. An alcoholic law student walks into a bar...

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He regretted not passing the bar.

164. Guy walks into a bar and yells, "All lawyers are pigs." The man at the end of the bar says" I object to that remark". The guy responds:

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"Why, are you a lawyer?"

165. A guy walks into a bar. Bartender asks, "how's it going?"...

This is one is slightly dirty but is still funny.

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"Okay, I guess. Holding my own."

166. A law student walks into the bar and orders a beer. "Um, we dont serve beer". Slightly miffed, the law student says, "pint of cider then?" "Yeah, we dont have any cider either". "Well, you must at least have a glass of fucking wine?" asks the law student, infuriated...

And that's what happens when you drunk the night before your bar exam.

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"No sir, we don't. Now please take your seat, the bar exam starts in one minute".

167. A lawyer, a spy, a mob boss, and a money launderer walk into a bar. The bartender says...

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"You guys must be here to talk about adoption."

168. A man walks into a lawyer's office...The man says, "I can't afford your hourly rate, but if I give you $200 will you answer two questions for me?" The lawyer says...

This one is so painfully accurate it kinda hurts.

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"Absolutely - what is your second question?"

16 Walk Into A Bar Office Jokes

Offices are weird places. With so many different personalities stuffed into one building, it is the perfect place to come up with office jokes that everyone in the office will love. But don't worry, we have some for you.

Here are 16 walk into a bar office jokes:

169. A bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "I'll have a…………pint of beer please." The bartender asks...

Even if you are afraid of bears, this joke is still really funny.

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"Why the big pause?"

170. A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender sets the beer down and says...

Not only is this joke funny but also educational.

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"For you, no charge!"

171. A man walks out of a bar and meets a policeman. "Hey," the policeman says, "your eyes are bloodshot, have you been drinking Bloody Mary's?" "Well," the man says...

Touché! This is hilarious.

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"your eyes are glazed, have you been eating donuts?"

172. A leprechaun walks into a bar. The bartender serves him and says, "That'll be $2.50." The leprechaun puts two dollar bills on the bar and starts walking away. The barkeep shouts...

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"You're a little short!"

173. A man walks into a bar and says he wants to buy a wasp. The bartender replies, "We don't sell wasps in here." The man then says...

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"Well, you have one on the window?"

174. A man walks into a bar and says, "Ouch, that was hot!". It was a BARbeque.

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This one is so dumb all you can do is roll your eyes.

There is nothing like inclusion to warm the cockles of your heart. And to make everyone laugh.

Is there anything better than a Chuck Norris joke? Yes. Chuck Norris.

This joke is funny but you are sure to get one person that will groan when you deliver the punch line.

A simple misunderstanding is hilarious.

This is cute and funny. The perfect combination.

Even the most intelligent people have jokes. From science to maths, nerd jokes are a great way to make everyone laugh.

And that is the lesson today everyone. And that this joke is really funny.

To be honest, it is probably for the best.

What do you get when you combine the periodical table and love? This really funny joke.

A play on words mixed with a joke? This one is sure to get your audience laughing.

This joke is so ironic, it might take your audience a little while to figure it out.

And just like a simile, this joke is as hot as the fires of hell. Or something like that.

Even the most literary amongst us will find this one funny.

There are lots of walks into a bar jokes out there, but how do you make sure you've picked the right one?

First things first, when you want to tell some jokes, you really need to know your audience. Whether you are telling jokes at a business party or at a family dinner, having a general idea of your audiences likes and dislikes will help you choose the best walks into a bar jokes.

Even the best comedians know that when you are going to tell jokes, the setting is everything. From choosing the right amount of people in your audience to maybe having a two-drink minimum, choosing the perfect setting for your joke is really important.

When it comes to telling jokes, remember your performance is just as important as your performance. By becoming a little animated and maybe a little loud, you can turn funny jokes into hilarious.

Here is a downloadable and printable list of Walks Into a Bar Jokes (right click the image and select Save Image As...):

Are you loving our list of jokes? Wish there were more lists? Well, we have you covered.

Walks into a bar jokes are a great way to break the ice or entertain new people. They come in all shapes and sizes, making them the perfect jokes for any event. A well-told joke is sure to have people laughing in no time.

When you are choosing walks into a bar jokes, remember to pick one that will suit your audience. Make sure that you know theirinterests and pick jokes that will make them laugh. The setting is also very important when telling jokes, so just make sure that you don't tell a lawyer joke in the middle of a courthouse! Finally, jokes are meant to be fun, so make sure that you are entertaining and that you have fun with them.

So now that you have some of the best walks into a bar jokes, why not try some of them? These jokes will have your audience laughing in no time.


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